Club Repair & Regripping


We can get our hands on a variety of grips such as Golf Pride, Winn, Lamkin, and Super Stroke. Grips come in a variety of sizes, colors, and compositions. Prices of grips range from $8.00 to $30.00 each.

To place an order for grips, please see one of our pro shop staff. The usual turnaround time to regrip clubs is 3 days.

Club Repairs

We can repair your broken club! Whether graphite or steel, we can match flex, length, and performance. Shafts range in price from $25 to $180, depending on the manufacturer.

Loft and Lie

If you have not had the lie checked on your irons, you should. To maintain consistency with your clubs, we will check all of your irons, not just one. We charge $5.00 for each club.

For any club repairs, contact Kevin Goddu at or call the pro shop at 603-528-4653.